Mark Rober: This Generation’s Bill Nye

By G. W., Los Altos One click is all it takes to access the world. Science, art, video games, and political commentary—these are just some of the topics which the millions of YouTube videos uploaded to the site each day cover. With so much content, what really stands...

Healthy Competition, Healthy Kids

by L. L., Los Altos Andrew Whitworth, a successful NFL athlete, once said, “If you’re a true warrior, competition doesn’t scare you. It makes you better.” But what is competition, at its core? Is it pitting students against each other and encouraging them to put...

Weaving Through Traffic

by David L., Palo Alto Today, when you go to work, most of the roads you travel on are very congested and filled with cars. Even on the widest of highways, each lane is filled with hundreds of automobiles. With everyone trying to get to their destination safely,...

12 Tips To Improve Your Reading Substantially

Do you feel like you can improve your reading? Many people think reading is simply going from one word to the next until done, but there’s more to becoming a truly effective and efficient reader. The following 12 tips can help you become a better reader. 1. Read...

Pledge of Allegiance

by Niveda A., Milpitas When I was in sixth grade, I was an incredibly nationalistic young person. I used to think that the United States was a flawless nation, including a perfect legal system, government, and society. Also when I was in sixth grade, every student was...

Clothing in Anne of Green Gables

by Alice L., Cupertino In the book Anne of Green Gables, Anne undergoes many developments and changes as she grows up. Anne starts the story as an unloved orphan, but she ultimately grows into a young school teacher who can take care of others. From an ugly wincey...


by N. W., Los Gatos The following essay was written as part of IYE’s biannual timed writing assessment. We’ve left in a few minor errors because the essay is well written. It’s impressive work, and even more impressive in that it was written in 45 minutes. Chips...

Summer Should Be Fun

by Nidhi S., Pleasanton The following essay was written as part of IYE’s biannual timed writing assessment. We’ve left in a few minor errors because the essay is well written. It’s impressive work, and even more impressive in that it was written in 45 minutes. Summer...

No Ordinary Medicine

by A. Zhang, Cupertino Cancer exists as one of today’s most deadly illnesses. Millions die each year around the world with no solution, and many of them cannot afford the treatment. However, the cure to cancer would solve all those problems. When this illness finally...